I have spent some time over the past few weeks searching online and trying some different avenues in an attempt to find a good and comfortable path for myself with the end product being improving my writing skills. I always find the paths interesting to look back at and note the weaving of the fabric that gets you from A to B - and it never seems like a straight line to me, but I'm sure I'm not seeing the whole picture. At any rate, contacts that I've made, instruction and searching on the web have now lead me to SongU. See how much fun their having in this picture? That could be you, my friend. With only 3 easy flex payments . . . (sorry, couldn't resist).
I decided to write my next song partly by choosing two or three "new" writing techniques that I just studied and see what happens. Don't know yet what anyone else will think, but I'm excited. When I get it recorded, I'll add it to the play list at the top of the blog. Assuming I don't change the name for some reason, it will be "No Guarantee".
Now, if I could only find a site to make my hair grow back on its own, my life would be complete.