Some Tunes

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A "New" Instrument

I just returned from a week plus in Maui. Hey, ya do what ya gotta do. Anyway, since you were wondering, my wife and I had a great time celebrating our 20th (anniversary not birthdays). I had planned to check out ukuleles somewhere during our visit as I had a song that I felt that sound would be great on, but I knew nothing about the instrument.

Well, now I know just a little more. I visited Mele Ukulele and spent a bit of time listening, talking and "playing" in an effort to get some understanding. I knew I'd be shocked as to the variety of woods, sizes, string configurations and I was not left wanting on choices. After careful consideration, I ended up buying a 6-string tenor that you can see here.

I recorded just a taste once I got home and its going to sound great - but I need to spend some more time getting my fat fingers positioned on the midget-size fretboard and my brain wrapped around the differences between guitar and ukulele. Its fun. I haven't picked up a new instrument in forever, so the challenge is great.

I also started a music twitter just for the heck of it and will tie all the music bit machines together soon. All strange and fun. I may have to go back to the islands for lessons - like I said, ya do what ya gotta do.


  1. Hey, very, very cool! I didn't realize they have two holes in the top instead of one in the middle. Did you know the ukulele was one of George Harrison's favorite instruments? Apparently he always travelled with one and would make his friends sit around and play them with him. Of course, his friends were the likes of Eric Clapton and those dudes, so I'm sure it sounded "passable." If it's good enough for them, then why not? That's exciting. And if you have to go back to Hawaii for lessons - oh, gee - it's tough, isn't it?

  2. Did I say "one"? I think the word was, he travelled with half a dozen - in case friends turned up.

  3. This is the only one I've seen with two sound holes in this configuration. It sounded pretty sweet, but it was close with one or two others I tried out. I was told that two of the guitarists from Bon Jovi were in the shop buying and jamming on them the week before. Strange, but very cool.

  4. Nice critter there. I bet it sounds incredible.

  5. I like the song links at the top of the blog. I need some speakers I can actually hear. I'll be back to give a good listen :)
